Wednesday, December 13, 2006

ok.. the day gonna end le so gonna stop by to give a entry.

ok. the day started early with a sms by one of my friends and so i woke up and had my breakfast. later, only to find out that i not working. but that is a Crew leader meeting coming 4p.m.

ok.. did some search on the Uwants which juko intro me and guess wat, I FOUND MISA's handphoen theme. I love it!

lol!. the website is all chinese, so have some diff in searching but never mind, i tried my best. ok. so i bath and i went down for the meeting. the meeting ended at about 5 plus, so went to kopitieam to have my dinner with titus.

done with my dinner, i saw dongs at mcd, waiting for the exco meeting. So i decided to join her in her waiting. YEs. i still need to wait.

Receive a sms by SITTING BULL, FUMING that the meeting will be held in delifrance so went there and saw only bing quan and fuming!!-.- so went in, get ourself some sit, only to found out taht, this is the few people for meeting. This week, we are going to zoo for our venture meeting. lame. but that the only plan because, we had only 4 PEOPLE!!!

lol! ok. after meeting, had my DESSERT there and then start toking cock. we tok till the shop almost close, so we bang jia. then we go mcd to tok.

went down mcd, bing quan say want to play with the puzzle i got, for the coming children party of mcd. so take out everything and start to fix.YES!! we do it in mcd itself =))

ok. took aboutr 1h30 mins to finish the 500 pieces de. =))

then i was here blogging. maybe, going out to find chuan to tok. maybe not. depends. ok. it is not raining. so.. take care, guys..!! =)))

venturing rawks my life =))

ok. ppl, i am tired!!! lol!!!...!!1


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