Tuesday, April 03, 2007

ok. 4.4.07. 61 entry

i just think that today and the time now is really nice to blog about my feelings

Welcome to all my reader.

had a 'usual-yet-long-time-never' meeting with my friends. or should i say friend, without the '-s'
we talk alot alot. Tok about the present,the past. I suddenly miss so much about my past. Miss scolding people in mcdonalds'. Miss playing those stupid games with my friends. Miss all those overnight ton.

Recently, i found that i've being slacking down on work. And that result to me having lesser and lesser in my cash. Ha. I miss those day when i was rich too =))).

But misses are misses, we still moved on, Dont we? how many people actually dun miss the past. That is the real reason why we have this saying," 往事自能回味"

ok. that is that. Im going off to sleep le....going to dream about the past already =))))



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