Sunday, August 24, 2008

*emotional posting. Pls ignore.
213th- I'll start this entry by quoting a sentence from
"Companionship - something that i tend to sought after every now and then."

I indeed had so much to say when we were talking about this topic yesterday. I met up with shidiq, Joseph and Fu ming for a footdrill course and we had lunch together after that.

What is love? How long can sweetness last ? Jospeh said "diq, enjoy this moment (woo-ing period) you may not have this momnet again. " I thought was so true. We have different prospect about this topic at different time of our life. (Even the name changes)

From young,we were taught to love our steady/stead with all our might. We thought that we need to keep him/her accompany every now and then. We wanted to buy everything for our love,hence, we asked alot of money from our parent just to buy something for him/her.

Then after that relationship, we tend to look for our next partner. At least someone we once know very well to keep us accompany and make us forget our the past steady. For this relationship, we wont tend to forget about present.

Then after that relationship, most of us will decide to hold back till we found our Mr/Ms right. With the past experience, this relationship we are looking for is more to campanionship. We look for people who are more mature and who understand us more. We don't give much promises to each other.

As for me, I am currently happy in my singlehood. Life is so much easier without the need to worry so much on other partner. Sometime i will tend to look for care and concern from my buddy, gals n guy. I'm glad that most of my friend willing give me care and concern- thankyou.
But i will say, Im not a flirt. Im true to all my friends because seeing my friend smile, it makes me smile. Afterall, everyone deserve a smile!

Anyway, i read again messages from my old phone. hmm... i miss you, my friend.


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